Personal experience is the method for this Era I don't need to believe. I know we live in God.
God is the same from Moses until now, but if you want to understand God today; first, you need the experience of God, to live it; second, you need to know the reality of God with your own brain. The Bible is still useful, of course, because there we can read about men and women who faced the same reality (God) that we need to know today in order to understand the universe where we live.
Symbolically, the Bible represents the history of the socio-moral system of man with two trees: the tree of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life. Social history thus begins with the fruit of good and evil. All our social ills and consequently the individual ones are due precisely to not doing what is right or true according to that criterion of truth. We decide what is useful, between the good or the bad. Utility as a criterion of truth is the serpent and the devil that we still carry with us today. But it is still there, always symbolically speaking, the fruit of life. With the fruit of life, with that knowledge (what God really is and His relationship with human life) the Human System culminates in harmony in God and happiness.
The scientific proof of God:
God not only fills and orders the atomic world, the physical world, as science will one day prove, but he also orders and gives meaning to all life and existence that we know, to our history, to our society and consequently to the individual life of the human being. When we know God, when we can prove it, then we will teach Him in schools, in cinemas, in music, by all means and ways. It will be a glorious transformation of our society. We will be born into a world that knows that God is the Universal Law in which we live and only by harmonizing with this Law can we live in a just and peaceful, happy world. We will leave school not only knowing mathematics and reading and writing, but we will also know, because it is essential, what God is and that we can only live happily if it is in harmony with that Being. With this scientific knowledge, the different religious opinions that even turn men into enemy armies and political parties will end, regarding a truth that Jeremiah (23:24) or Job (9:11) admirably faced, but a truth that today we are more able to understand in all its extension and depth.
We live in a social Law that is God Himself, a law that we have to respect in the same way that we respect the laws of nature, if we want to achieve a just and peaceful Society and, consequently, a happy individual being.
Ignorance of what God really is and his relationship with human life and our universe, that is the explanation of why everything is so wrong: the planet, society and, consequently, the individual life of the human being.